Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Good morning, world! We have a new pastor! God is so faithful. We are looking forward to them moving here, and getting to know them. We are thrilled!

Got to take some baby-toes pics, and one came out so nice, if I may say so. Hope the mama likes it. My camera was accidentally kidnapped, and I didn't have it for 2 weeks. I was going nuts--Kodak moments flying by. I about kissed it when I got it back Saturday. I've taken a LOT of pics since then! Weeds, toes, roses, flowers, baby grands, more weeds, more baby grands.

We're so-bittersweetly announcing the sale of our home. The Papa's health is growing very poor, and we need to go somewhere where he can rest. We will use the proceeds to let him take a year-long break, to work on his eating habits, sleep!, and perhaps see about surgery for his apnea. Hopefully he will be a new man after this year, or at least an improved one. So, if you haven't been over lately, head over here before we move! Say when.

I am thankful to be released from recovery from my hysterectomy. I was allowed to do NOTHING for 6 weeks--no exercise, nothing repetitive, no heavy lifting, no heavy housework. And I am now a slug. I have no strength. I tried to run 1/10 of a mile and about croaked (with proper warm-up and preparation). That's pretty sorry. I am now trying to get back at least to where I was before. Fun times on the exercise ball coming up! GAK.

Finished up mowing our 5 acres (on the riding mower, for which I am very thankful!), and it's about time to start mowing again! We have had SO much rain! I think we're about 5" over our yearly average, and it's only mid-May. I'm loving it. Soaking myself with mosquito repellant when I'm outside. Vicious critters. They love P*erto Rican blood.

This entry would make a good case for speed-reading, or maybe even skimming. Sorry, guys.

The Baby and family are on their way. We're trying to perfect the shortest, non-constructionest way to McKinney and back. I think we have it. It's great if you don't mind toll roads. It takes me a little more than 3 hours. Not too shabby.

The Firstborn got to talk to a large group of international CEOs recently, and his speech, through Toastm*sters was on eating healthy. He said, You know what was so ironic about it? I said, Let me guess: They were eating steaks while listening! Close. BBQ ribs. "Question and Answer Time" was interesting....

Off to cook! Good night, all!